Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Working from Home

This whole idea of grown-ups working from home is for the birds... Daddy had been here 2 whole days this week, and he's always looking at the computer. When my Daddy is home, I demand FUN!

The morning started off okay enough. Mommy handed me a flashlight so she could finish her episode of Married With Children, but I was sucked into the humor as well. So was my flashlight, apparently.
Yes, it's true that I like to stand in front of the television instead of sitting on the couch. I've heard it burns more calories than sitting on my duff.
When the show ended I headed to the kitchen and found me a broom. Dirt be gone, as I like to call 'em.

They pull as well as they push, I see.

Mommy must've sprung for the deluxe, height adjusting model.

This is so cool!

Then we headed downstairs where I took over Daddy's email.

I'm sure his co-workers had a head-scratching or two wondering how to decipher my emails.

Then I was totally distracted by ME. See, I'm on the screen saver!

Daddy, it's really me!

Man, I want that pumpkin!

Changed my mind, I'll take Mommy's cheeseburger wrap any day of the week.

Then the day took a dive with more conference calls than I can count and I use all fingers and toes to help me with complicated addition. Good golly, hope this snow doesn't stick around!

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