Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cleared For Turkey Day

We took yet another family field trip today, this time to the doctors. Dr M said Mommy and Daddy wasted their co-pay because my tubes are in place and my ears are infection-free. Any crankiness at this point is blamed squarely on the six teeth that are breakin' through.

For those counting, I have the two bottom front teeth and the top right (if you are looking at me) officially through and causing damage to any cheese stick that gets in my way. My top left tooth (again, looking at me) has officially broken through the gums but is taking its time coming all the way in. The two teeth on either side of the top front teeth are jealous of the attention the exposed teeth are getting and are in competition to break through next. The top molars are also vying for victory. Who will win this race? It's my secret!

Back to the day...Mommy and Daddy then dropped me off at school and then they went home to organize closets. I'll take play time over Mommy's version of 'cleaning' any day of the week except school is closed on Saturday and Sunday, darnnit.

When Mommy did pick me up we decided that Target needed to reduce their baby food inventory, so we relocated two weeks of jarred fruit to our pantry. Yep, I flat out refuse to eat fresh fruits so Mommy has to buy stage 2 fruit meant for six month old babies. Hey, at least I'm eating fruit, right?

At home we had a blast with my shopping cart and then playing with the goldfish snack that turned into a toy in my garden.

I sure live a blessed life and can't wait to share tomorrow with family and friends- miss everyone who isn't going to be hanging out with me!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Arggh, teething! My Elizabeth is struggling with that too. Our two little crankypants girls are making their families cranky in tandem! Thank goodness Elizabeth finally will grab her shirt with her teeth instead of making little toothprints on her wrist... or on other people...