Thursday, September 09, 2010

Family Apple Picking Adventure, The 81 Cent Version

So, Daddy is winding down his staycation and Mommy had the 'great' idea of picking me up right after nap time and heading to Terhune for some good ol' fashioned family apple picking. Yep, you can guess right. There was one 'yay' and two 'nays' for this particular event. Mommy drove us and even tried to go a new way by 'feeling it'. Never been in a car with Mommy? She has a terrible sense of direction. Almost negative sense of direction, if that's even possible. Anywhoo, we totally got lost and Daddy got annoyed that Mommy knew she had no idea where she was going and he didn't even want to go apple picking in the first place. Me? I didn't know what apple picking was, so I wasn't yet fully in Daddy's camp. Key word being 'fully.

When we got there Mommy needed a bathroom, shocking I know. So we went on ahead of her with map in hand. Anything to speed this family outing up.

I was too short to get the apples, so you get to see a peek at my shrinking buddha belly. Enjoy it while it lasts!
And if Mommy hadn't screwed this shot up, it would have been one and done. Darnnit!
Take two.
As fast as my legs could carry me, I grabbed the apple picking bag and ran to the checkout. The checkout lady's expression when we dumped our two puny apples on the scale was priceless. Our tally for this ridiculous outing? 81 cents. Not even a dollar!
Mommy redeemed herself my suggesting we go to the actual orchard and farm to feed the goats. We got our corn and avoided the snobby goat. Yes, they totally have a full fledged snobby goat. This is the nice goat.
And super hungry goat!
After a great feeding we headed to the toddler tractors and had a blast.
As if things couldn't get any better, Mommy had a craving for apple cider donuts and picked me up a signature snickerdoodle. What a great surprise after a bust with the apple picking. Thanks, Mommy!
I'm super happy now!
Hmm, wonder how I can snag an extra cookie for dessert tonight?

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