Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's A Christmas Miracle!

Stan the Magical Fireman came to school today and I DIDN'T CRY!!!!!!

I thought Mommy would be super loving and supportive of me and my major milestone.

When I got home, I said, "My toe hurts."
And she said, "That sucks."

So then we went into the deep dark night with our lanterns to hunt for monsters.  I was a bit scared (I'm Christina, after all!) and Mommy came up with a great idea.  Let's bring fruit snacks for the monsters to eat and forget about being scary. But if there are no monsters then we get to eat the fruit snacks ourselves.  I think we're not going to find any scary monsters..

But we did find Phoebe and we love her so much! Samantha wants a dog so much.

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