Sunday, October 13, 2013

Trick Or Treat- With Elmo!

Did you know that Christina loves chocolate powder?  Unsweetened on anything Mommy will let her get away with. Bananas, waffles, kiwi, apples.  It's crazy!
We started off on a bear hunt in the woods and quickly changed to a bunny hunt because bears are way too scary for Christina.  She freaked at the thought of a bear.  Bunnies are way better!

And then Daddy came home and we made a Burt family trip to Sesame Place.  Of course Christina went on the carousel. They are going to have to name a horsie after her she is on the carousel so much!

And we girls went on the caterpillar ride. We love roller coasters.  Well, Mommy and I do.  Christina likes to snuggle with Mommy on the scary parts.

What's up with all the pictures?

Please stop taking so many pictures!
Phew. She moved on to someone else.  Good luck, Christina!
Mommy got a picture of Daddy and me on Elmo's Flying Fish.

And then she got a great picture of us with all our swag.

Sesame Place at Halloween is awesome!

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