Sunday, October 20, 2013

Walking Jack O Lantern

this was a princess tower until it collapsed while Mommy was getting the camera and we were uninterested in making it again. Oh, well.

Then we loaded up in the car and headed to Peddler's Village for our annual field trip to see scary scarecrows. When we got there, we chose this bench to eat our pita with hummus.  Yummy!

We are smiling!

Hmm, we need to take our job as self appointed judges very seriously.
And, we think this one is the winner. Go Elmo!
Scary monsters!

And on the way home we tried to learn something new, so we went to Einstein's house. In the very, very cold. It's not open to the public so we had to park far away and walk very far and we rewarded Mommy's crazy idea with these smiles.
Can you tell we were having none of this cold weather sight seeing adventure?
This is Einstein's house!
And then we decided it was only too cold for educational things but the perfect weather for the park.
Especially swinging.

Peek a boo, Christina!

Mommy got up in Christina's grill when she climbed up the second story of the park. Mommy told her to be careful and not to fall. 
Christina looked at her and said, "I won't fall. It says so in my story."
I knew watching Super Why would teach us how to read but I didn't imagine it would teach Christina how to sass!

Then on the way home from our latest adventure we saw Emily's car at Stults Farm.  So we made a detour and found pumpkins and our friends.

We had a great time but you can't really tell because Mommy is a really bad  photographer.

Toddler Teamwork!

Then Mommy made me get into the spirit. Want to know what that means around here? No princess pjs.

Christina pooped and pooped and pooped, then looked in the potty and said, "Oh my crap!"
We laughed for a very long time.

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