Friday, November 07, 2008

Come on Over- I've Got Toys to Share

Sarala came over for a visit yesterday morning. We had so much fun! I'm not sure about this whole sharing thing, but Mommy keeps telling me that good things come to those who share. I hope this means that I get to 'share' all Mommy's Christmas presents this year!

Look closely and you can see my new friend and I are holding hands.

I had a rough day yesterday. On one hand it was good because I officially roll from my back to my belly all the time. On the other hand, when I try to nap and find myself on my belly I FREAK out and scream my heart out until Mommy comes to rescue me. She finds me looking like a dead man's float in the pool, but with no water and an inconsistent ability to flip myself over to my back. She's grateful I'm crying because it means I'm still breathing and I feel abandoned. I sense years of therapy ahead of me.

Oh, I got a great package in the mail yesterday. Lots of great board books. We're reading lots of Sandra Boynton books these days, though The Hungry Catapiller is inching its way to the top of my list. Get it? Inching... Not so funny? Hey, I'm not even four months old- give me a break!

The first time yesterday that I was content when not doing neighborhood watch. Mommy's arm wanted to fall off. Thank goodness Mallory was there to play with me.

Today Mommy walked into the room and found me lying quietly on my belly while napping. Hooray for progress! Though she did laugh and take a picture of my junk in the trunk. Not so much progress in that department. Why does Mommy make fun of me and then post embarassing pictures for all to see?

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