Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Toddler Time at Teaberry's

AH just had a birthday, so instead of shipping a gift long distance we decided to send a card with notes inside.  The first coupon, from me, was redeemable for the largest Samantha hug ever.  The second was not as cool, in my humble opinion, but was special enough to make AH giddy with excitement.  What could bring on this reaction?  Lunch at NJ's top teahouse, of course!

Teaberry's and me- the real reason AH comes to town! Truth be told Teaberry's is a bit of a hike for us, but we're so hooked on the fabulous sandwiches, quiches and dessert. Not to mention over 70 varieties of absolutely amazing tea to choose from.   We'd drive across the state to enjoy a meal at Teaberry's, and we practically do!

Teatime and crayons- smile!

Okay, that's out of the way.  Let me finish this picture before my sophisticated grilled cheese sandwich (Monterey jack instead of cheddar, of course!) arrives and I'm distracted by food, glorious food!

Truth be told, I got a little fussy.  They expected me to sit in an old fashioned high chair without the wiggle worm bar between my legs.  I slid all around and caused a racket, much to Mommy's dismay.  AH, UB and Mommy loved their meals and tea and dessert was out of this world good. And did I mention the two stinky diapers.  The meal was memorable in more ways than one this go round.  Score one for Samantha!

Back home it was almost bedtime so I gave my sad, sad 'who's going to read to me' face and thankfully AH came to the rescue.  This book really is great.

Then I found some energy on reserve and started mailing eggs.  We all found out that I simply cannot stand for mismatched eggs.  Both ends must be the same color.  Who knew I needed such order in my life?

This is simply the  sweetest idea in the world.  AH and UB arrived with a present for me each day of their visit.  Today's gift?  I'm really not sure.

Pom-poms, you say?  How do they work?

Like this, you say?

We each hold one?  Something doesn't seem right?

AH- you've got it!  Look at the pom shaking all about.  Super cool!

I think I'll give it a whirl.

Into position.

And shake.  Why isn't it doing anything?

Oh, I get it!  Shake my hand around and the pom follows.  Yay!

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