Sunday, April 11, 2010

Trading Daddies For The Weekend

So, with Daddy headed to Berlin for the week, Mommy decided to call reinforcements.  What does that mean, you ask?  Dean to the rescue!

Dean has been a super special friend of Mommy's since the 5th grade when she went with Sara H to feed the G family turtle- back then named Victor, later renamed Victoria and still later he was back to Victor.  Mommy remembers feeding Victor cat food.  Those must have been good times because Mommy ended up with life friends cool enough to come spend the weekend with us girls while Daddy was living it up in Germany.

The best thing about Dean?  It's hard to pick just one thing, but let me tell you his love of food ranks up there super high.  We just about busted our guts on pasta, Bent Spoon cupcakes and downright delicious brownies.

We had a blast, I tell ya.  Palmer Square was the best, watching them eat ice cream while I sucked the frosting off a rockin' vanilla cupcake.  I ran around the grass and tried to sneak into a wedding photo shoot.  I sure make a great flower girl, dontcha think?

We read lots of books (many times over if you want to know the deets) and then headed over to the garden for some real fun.

I am such a rebel- no front door for me!


No Dean, I have the biggest belly in New Jersey!

Are you seriously challenging me and my belly?

That's what I thought- me and the belly win every time!

It does look like the flowers are growing in mid-air, doesn't it?

Right about now the doorbell rang and the painter came to finalize our colors (paint comes in just one week!) so Dean jumped right into parent duty.  I held out my hand to hold his, walked him to the family room, got us on the couch, handed him the remote and said as clearly as I can manage 'Barney'.  He picks up quick, right?

Brainwashed by Barney.  Score!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Aw... so cute to see Dean and Samantha bonding. I think now that Samantha, Vanessa, and Elizabeth all have an uncle Dean, I think that makes them officially cousins. :)