Monday, August 03, 2009


Daddy went to the new house in the afternoon to set up the new grill and wait for delivery of the new John Deere riding lawn mower. The detached garage is slowly becoming a man heaven/man cave.

Aside from the permanent ban on my second nap at school, it was fun but uneventful. Mommy picked me up from school and caught up with friends while I played with my cell phone as we drove from school to the new house- an exactly ten minute ride.

Mommy pulled into the driveway, waved to Daddy and turned to smile at me.... Just in time to see me open my mouth and projectile vomit all over me, my carseat, the back of the seat in front of me and Mommy's open purse. All heck broke loose. Mommy was wearing work clothes, so Daddy rushed over to pick me up and cuddle my distraught self and give me a hose down in the huge kitchen sink. What was supposed to be a quick, light hearted trip to the new house turned into a very stinky full fledged incident. After we got cleaned up, Mommy took me home where I promptly fell asleep without dinner or a batch.

I woke up around 9pm and demanded dinner and LOTS and LOTS of play time. At first Mommy fed me and then shouted for Daddy to come quickly because I was peeing on her. Daddy asked why she took my diaper off and Mommy gave him the one finger salute. You see, my diaper schooched just so that the elastic was rendered useless. By this point, Mommy pooped out, so Daddy and I played on the bed.

We played this super fun game called "TIMBER". Way rougher than Mommy would like, but it's too much fun to miss out on. It starts with me way up in the air.
Involves a flop to the bed.
And ends with a big ol' grin!
With a laugh to boot!
Here's a bonus picture of Mufasa. Pretty kitty-cat who lets me chase her endlessly throughout the house.
Mommy tried igoring us by reading her magazine. I helped her. A lot.
She needed a guide, so I moved my fingers as she read the words. I was a great helper.
Then they put me in my crib and went to bed. The catch? I wasn't tired. Five screaming fits later, Mommy rocked me and then I was able calm down enough to go to sleep.

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