Monday, August 31, 2009

Who Has Time For Pictures?

Certainly not me. After a big disagreement among the parents about my demanding to be coddled at night, the sympathetic parent won out and cried victory when sweet, sweet Dr. G diagosed me with an ear infection in my right ear, same as the last time. So, turns out that my ear infection never went totally away. We then headed to the pharmacy and to see Dr. W who gloated that I was a textbook case of perfect tumor removal.

How'd I spend the rest of the day? Annoying the crap out of Mommy! She tried her darnest to work while I tried my darnest to cause mischief. Here's what I did today between being pathetic from ear pain....

  • Learned how to make the water dispenser work and watch the Niagra Falls in my new kitchen.
  • Learned how to make the central vacuum work in our house.
  • Helped wrap UB's birthday present by ensuring the box could withstand almost 20 pounds of 'shaky yer booty' action.
  • Called lots of people from the house phone, including Mommy's cell phone.
  • Watched Mommy race to the next room to answer my phone calls.
  • Took every remote and caused havoc.
  • Banged on Mommy's laptop keyboard while she tried to type messages.
  • Screamed into people's voicemail boxes while Mommy was trying to conduct business.

Whew- and that was all before Mommy cried 'uncle' and took me for a two hour walk around town, where we ran into Christopher, Heidi and Langdon. They took us to Village Park and I played on the swings and slide. Yippee!

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