Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Speechless And The Proud

How can I possibly share all the things that can happen in one day?  Well, let me try.  This morning was full of frustration as Mommy practically shoved oranges in my mouth.  Well, not exactly, but I'm still too stubborn to let either parent know that I am starting to like fruit and veggies.

At school today I really knocked it out of the park.  I kept my diaper dry all day and my classmates even cheered for me. Oh, and I ate my pears.  Double cheers from Mommy, Daddy and Samantha.

Mommy delivered on her promise of pizza and apple juice and away we went to my favorite Mayberry Pizza.  I ordered my usual cheese slice cold from Miss Ellen, who was super proud of my accomplishments today. 

Can't see my pizza?  It was so cold it wanted a blanket or two or seven.

 Here it is!

 Chrissy was feeling left out of the festivities so she snuck in a quick nap.
 We got home and shared some great snacks.  Mommy then put Chrissy to sleep and just as she was finishing up upstairs she heard the water running.  She came downstairs to investigate, assuming to find me washing my hands.  She found me washing my toothbrush.  She thought I was brushing my teeth, but I told her I was cleaning my toothbrush of the blue paint.  That sure perked her up.  She asked me where the blue paint was and I took her to the kitchen table to show her that I had gone into the art closet by myself and set up a great art project all by myself.  She wasn't quite sure whether to scold me, be proud of me or laugh.  I think she did a little of all of them.

I'm pretty pleased.  How 'bout you?
 Here's a close up of my art project in honor of the new Smurf movie. Do you think Mommy got the hint to take me to the movies?  Sure hope so!

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